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FREE 30 Day Eat. Move. Think. Health & Wellness Challenge

Welcome to the Eat Move Think Challenge! Are you ready to begin living a healthier lifestyle? Perhaps you are already fit and just looking for something fun to mix things up a bit. Either way, the Eat Move Think Challenge is perfect for you! This challenge has truly been a labor of love for me. It is very different from anything I have ever done. I have put together something really special to help you reach your fitness goals and I hope you enjoy it!

**Before we go any further I must advise you to consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise routine. If you have a history of injuries or health problems please consult with your physician and make necessary modifications. If at any time you feel dizzy, nauseous, weak, etc. please stop exercising and drink some water.**

This challenge is a Pinterest based challenge. It focuses on the three areas that are critical to your overall health & wellness. I have broken it down into three simple categories for you. Every day you will find three pins, one for each category. The pins are color coded to make it easier for you. Here is a quick breakdown of the categories:

  1. Proper nutrition is crucial to a healthy lifestyle, hence the Eat portion of the challenge. Every day you will find a yummy, healthy recipe on the Eat pin. I have given you recipes for all three meals, plus snacks, desserts, Shakeology, and even a yummy drink recipe to celebrate completing the challenge. You are not required to use these recipes – they are just options for you to consider. Don’t panic – you are not required to drink Shakeology during the challenge. I highly recommend it but the decision is yours to make. If you would like more information on Shakeology please contact me. The Eat pins will be pink.

  2. Our bodies were designed to be moving. Thus, the Move portion of the challenge is where your daily exercise comes in. I have combed the internet and found 30 amazing workouts from some of Beachbody’s top trainers for you. Every day you will find a new workout on that day’s Move pin. There are a variety of workouts throughout the 30 days. We have traditional cardio workouts, weight lifting workouts, ab workouts, dancing, and some yoga and light stretching mixed in as well. There are no official rest days. Instead, I added yoga or a light stretching workout every 7 days. This is what we call an active rest and recovery day. I tried to choose workouts that do not require a lot of equipment, but there are some weight workouts where dumbbells or resistance bands are necessary. I have also tried to find workouts that are suitable for all fitness levels. If you need to modify, please feel free. If you are unable to do certain moves due to injuries, etc., please skip them. I don’t want you getting hurt. If you need to skip a move, march/jog in place, do some pushups, hold plank, or find something else that you are able to do as a replacement. If all else fails, try some of the less intense yoga/stretching workouts instead. The Move pins are orange.

  3. Often times the biggest hurdles people face are those we create ourselves. The Think portion of the challenge is designed to increase your positive thinking, promote self-confidence and provide educational information on topics related to health & wellness. This section is made up of a mix of blog posts, news articles, YouTube videos, and inspirational messages. DO NOT SKIP THIS SECTION!! You need to change your mindset in order to change your habits. This section helps you do that. The Think pins are purple.

Every day I will post the three pins for that day’s challenge. Please re-pin and leave a comment when you complete the day’s activities. If you have questions throughout the challenge do not hesitate to reach out to me. Leave a comment under the pin you have a question on, email me, find me on social media, etc. There will also be a few bonuses pins throughout the 30 days. Be sure to check those out for some fun extras!

Now, before we get started there are a few things I want you to do.

  1. Take your measurements, weight, and before pics. I know this part sucks. I hate it too, but when I get to the ‘After’ pics and measurements I am always SO GLAD I did my before metrics.

  2. Make sure you are properly hydrated. The general rule of thumb is to divide your weight in half and drink that many ounces of water per day. If you are pregnant, nursing, in a hot climate, or doing intense workouts you may need to increase your water intake.

  3. Before every workout I want you to stretch. I’ve got a great stretching routine for you From Autumn Calabrese. You can also use this routine on days you are unable to complete a specific workout due to injury. Dynamic Stretching Workout | Autumn Fitness

I think we’ve covered everything. You are ready to start the 30 day Eat Move Think health & wellness challenge!! I hope you enjoy. Make sure to check in at the end for a special free offer.

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