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YES - I Am Greedy!!

I know what you are thinking - why is she writing admitting to being greedy? Not only am I admitting to it, I am encouraging ALL of you to be greedy as well.

Say what??

According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, one of the definitions of greedy is "very eager to have something." Usually it portrays a negative connotation. That's not the case with me.

I could care less about brand name clothes, fancy cars, or expensive jewelry. What I do want more of is time freedom. What do I mean by this? It's simple. I believe we were put on this planet to enjoy our time here and make a positive difference before we move on.

I always had an extremely narrow view of life. I went to school, went to college, and got a corporate job in the IT department. When I would travel for work during the day, I was completely flabbergasted at the people I saw out walking, shopping, etc. How could they not be at work like me?? What were these people doing? I honestly could not comprehend a life outside of the normal 9-5 work environment, which is pretty funny considering I grew up in a family run business which demanded all kinds of crazy hours.

Eventually I got tired of helping people send email and get their computers to unfreeze. I didn't feel like I was making a difference in the world. So, I quit. I left my nice salary and comfortable lifestyle and started taking graduate classes in education. I focused on special education and spent the next 7 years working with special needs children. It was hard. At times it was brutal. But it was SO rewarding.

I found Beachbody while I was on maternity leave with my second child. It seemed like another great way to help make a difference in people's lives. I have been a coach since April of 2011 and I absolutely love it!

Joining Beachbody has taught me to dream big and think outside the box. Now my vision for my future is crystal clear. Here is where the greedy part comes in.

I want MORE time with my family. I want MORE freedom to be able to do the things we want to do, when we want to do them. I want to be able to help MORE people. I don't want us to be enslaved to a strict work schedule. I have nothing against working hard - in fact I enjoy it. I am willing to work harder than anyone else, but I want it to be on my terms. If I want to take the kids out during the day and work at night, I do.

My goal is to give our family FREEDOM. I love family cuddles in the morning. I love staying up late to watch a movie. I love visiting places during the week when it isn't so crowded. I want MORE of this. Let's be clear - I am not looking for handouts, or to be lazy. I want to work hard to make this happen. I will continue to work hard even after I achieve this goal. I want my kids to learn the value of hard work. However, I don't want to live a life that is dictated by a company. I want to enjoy this beautiful life. I want MORE amazing experiences. I want to visit MORE incredible places. I want MORE morning cuddles. I want to help MORE people reach their dreams. So yes, I am greedy, and proud of it!

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