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Go Go Pokemon Go!!!

I'm sure by now you've heard of Pokemon Go. In case you haven't, here is a quick synopsis.

Pokemon Go is game where you walk around and try to catch Pokemon. There is other stuff to do like train at or battle for a gym, get stuff at a pokestop, hatch eggs, and evolve your Pokemon. You download the app to your phone, create your avatar, and off you go!

Now I know there are people out there who have been hating on Pokemon Go and those who play it. That's cool. You are entitled to your own opinion. I, however, think it is AWESOME!!

The only thing I knew about Pokemon prior to this game was that there was something called a Pikachu that was yellow. I am also not a 'gamer'. When people started talking about this I honestly thought it was some kind of tabletop game or video game.

Once my husband explained it to me and showed me the app on his phone I was intrigued. I downloaded it and I have to say it's pretty fun. I've only done it a few times so far but I enjoy it.

It was a great way to pass the time waiting for my son to come out of surgery last week. There were tons of Pokemon hanging out near the hospital, and there were TWO pokestops I could hit, all while sitting in the waiting room.

My kids LOVE it! They have started watching old Pokemon episodes and now they are explaining the world of Pokemon to me (which is adorable)! They also get to go on special Pokemon hunts with their daddy for some one-on-one time, which they get so excited for (also adorable)!

I have seen a lot of people logging lots of hours Pokemon hunting. Some of these people are already pretty active, but others are not. I LOVE the fact that this game is getting people up and moving. It gets people exercising without even realizing it because they are having so much fun. I've seen families take walks or trips to the park to hunt Pokemon (yes, all 6 of us have gone out on a Pokemon walk together). I think it's so cool that there is something that people can do as a family which everyone enjoys while also bridging the generation gap.

In my opinion, anything that is fun, gets you moving and gets people talking to each other is a win. To all you fellow Pokemon Go fans, keep on going!

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