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Join Me In The Beachbody Health Bet!!

Have you heard about the Beachbody Health Bet yet? If not, let me tell you all about it!

Beachbody is putting their money up for grabs in this awesome challenge that starts on September 5th. All you have to do is join a challenge group using the My Challenge Tracker app (contact me to join my group) and complete these simple requirements:

1. Log three workouts per week during the four week challenge

2. Log yourself having Shakeology five times per week (a photo must be included of you making your shake or drinking it)

Simple, right? The best part is, everyone who fulfills these easy requirements and completes the challenge will get to split the jackpot! The jackpot total is currently at $1.5 million and growing. It will be capped at $3 million dollars. Think about that - if the jackpot reaches $3 million dollars and 100,000 people participate, then you get $30 if you complete the challenge. If less people complete the challenge, you get even MORE money!

Talk about a win-win! You spend four weeks focusing on your health & fitness AND you get rewarded with cash at the end of it. This is a no-brainer guys! Who's ready to join me?

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