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Love Is In The Air!

It's Valentine's weekend. Some of you love it and some of you hate it. I personally love it. I know people say it is a manufactured holiday and you shouldn't need a holiday to tell people you love them. I agree. However, I don't think there is anything wrong with having a special day to celebrate those you love. For me Valentine's Day has always been about celebrating important people in my life.

I am blessed to have an amazing husband to celebrate with, but back in the old days when I was single I had some pretty amazing Valentine's with my friends. From driving up to New Hampshire with some of the guys so they could get tattoos, to hanging out in the pub on my college campus eating cupcakes and being goofy together, to starting a yearly tradition of going to a fancy dinner with my girls and getting yummy drinks, we had some good times. Now that I have kids I also enjoy loving on them even more on Valentine's Day. Whether you are single, in a relationship, have kids, don't have kids, etc. take some time to tell the important people in your life how much they mean to you.

The first person you should recognize is yourself. YOU are important. You are special, beautiful, unique and you matter in this world. Take care of yourself. Eat healthy and exercise. If you want a treat, go for it. I definitely allow myself treats, especially on special days.

I've put together some fun things for you to do and eat this weekend. Check out these healthy recipes, fun couple's workouts, and awesome date ideas. You can do this with friends or a significant other. Heck, you can even make these yummy meals and try some of these cool ideas on your own. A little personal time is good for the soul.

I LOVE Tony Horton. I think he is hysterical, he is an amazing trainer, and he's a really, really cool guy (I've had the privilege of meeting him twice in person!!). He and his wife shared this ADORABLE yoga workout for partners. Think I can get my husband to do it with me?

On our second Valentine's Day together my husband and I unknowingly decided to cook for eatch other. It was the first time he made his own sauce and meatballs (which has now become a staple at our Christmas dinner). That was one of my favorite days. It was so special. These recipes are sure to give you some fun time in the kitchen! I am dying to give the Blueberry Buckle Granola a try. It sounds DIVINE!!

Here are some fun date ideas that you can do with a significant other or some friends. I would LOVE to go rock climbing or take a nice hike together. What are some of your favorite ways be active with your loved ones?

However you choose to celebrate (or not celebrate) Valentine's Day, I send you love & happiness. Leave a comment and let us know what your favorite recipe, activity, etc. is.

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