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12 Days Of Fitmas - Day 9

Hello friends!! I want to apologize for the picture quality regarding the daily poses. For some reason the pics are coming out slightly pixelated. Plus, my photographer is sometimes a 4 or 6 year old, so there's that.... :-)

Anyways, today we have my absolute FAVORITE stretch!! It just feels so good! Also, instead of a healthy recipe I thought I would share some healthy substitions you can use when backing/cooking. Keep them in mind as you plan our your holiday dinner.

Pigeon Pose

I love love LOVE this pose! It's one of those poses that you either love or hate. I think it feels amazing. To do pigeon get on all fours and straighten one leg behind you. Bend your front leg and try to bring your front foot towards your pelvis/hip area. Make sure to keep your hips facing forward at all times. You can bend your back leg slightly, or open your front leg a bit to make the stretch easier if you need to. There are a number of variations of pigeon - you can sit upright, fold forward, or bend back. For today I suggest you either sit upright or fold forward a bit to deepen the stretch. Hold for a few seconds while breathing deeply. Release and repeat on the opposite side.

Healthy Baking Substitions

I try to use healthier options when baking and cooking, such as honey in place of sugar or coconut oil in place of vegetable oil. Here are some helpful, tasty tips you can try.

"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud." Maya Angelou

Peace, Love & Fitness.

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