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12 Days Of Fitmas - Day 8

Happy Sunday friends! I hope today finds you well. I'm revved up and ready to clean, cook, and wrap (along with watching football of course!). Today I chose a pose that is simple but powerful. I also have several yummy recipes for healthy holiday treats. I hope you enjoy!

Warrior 2

To do this pose, place one foot forward with your knee slightly bent. Stretch your other leg back with your foot parallel to your body. Face forward, keep your back straight and your core tight. Stretch your arms out straight. Sink as low as you can into this stretch. Make sure your front knee does not go past your toes. Repeat on opposite side.

Healthy Holiday Treats

I've got a special treat for you today - a whole slew of healthy holiday treats! Even better, they are all 21 Day Fix approved, so you can enjoy without feeling guilty!

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." Anne Frank

Peace, Love & Fitness.

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