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12 Days Of Fitmas - Day 6

Day 6!! Can you believe that we are at the halfway point already?? Today I've got a pose with a crazy name that feels oh so good. I'm also sharing some recipes for tasty, healthy beverages - just in time for the weekend and all of your holiday parties!

Half Lord Of The Fishes Pose

This has been one of my favorite stretches for years! I never knew it's official name until today though. LOL

Anyways, to do this pose sit on the floor with both legs straight out in front of you. Bend your right leg and bring your foot across your body to your butt (or as close as you can get it) while keeping your leg on the floor. Bend your left leg with your knee up in the air. Place your left foot on the outer side of your right leg. Try to keep your left foot next to your upper thigh or knee. Keep your right palm on the floor behind your, or to your side (depending on flexibilty and comfort level). Twist and place your left elbow next to your right knee. Hold and breathe deeply. Repeat on opposite side.

Healthy Holiday Drinks

I have a whole bunch of tasty recipes for you to try. Have fun experimenting and taste-testing! Drop a comment and let me know which one is your favorite.

Be safe this weekend friends!

"How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now, and there will never be a time when it is not now." Gerald Jampolsky

Peace, Love & Fitness.

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