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12 Days Of Fitmas - Day 4

You've made it to day 4! Congratulations! Yesterday's pose was definitely the hardest so far, but today's will surely give it some stiff competition. Today we focus on balance and flexibility. Also, the healthy dessert recipe I found is AH-MAZING!!!

Tiger Pose

Begin on all fours. Use a mat or place a folded towel under your knees for extra cushioning. Keep your arms straight and your hands shoulder width apart. Slowly stretch one leg back and up. Make sure to maintain proper alignment. Repeat on opposite side.

For an added stretch, raise your opposite arm. Reach back with the lifted arm and grab your raised foot. Squeese your core and hold. Repeat on opposite side.

Chocolate Superfood Bites

This recipe sounds absolutely DIVINE and super easy to make! These yummy treats are sure to be a hit at any holiday gathering! Get the recipe here.

“I do believe we’re all connected. I do believe in positive energy. I do believe in the power of prayer. I do believe in putting good out into the world. And I believe in taking care of each other.” Harvey Fierstein

Peace, Love & Fitness.

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