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12 Days Of Fitmas - Day 2

Welcome to day 2 of our 12 Days Of Fitmas challenge! How did you guys like day 1? Did it help you relax and relieve some tension?

Here are your day 2 goodies!

Chair Pose

Stand with your legs together. Squeeze your abs and slowly push your booty back as you begin to "sit". Raise your arms straight up overhead. Keep your chest lifted and your shoulders down away from your ears. Your feet remain flat on the floor and your knees DO NOT go past your toes. Press your knees together and hold.

Gingerbread Balls

Today's recipe comes to you straight from the Beachbody blog. Check out these amazingly delicious gingerbread balls!

I hope you enjoy day 2! Leave a comment and let me know what you think. We will end today with this quote.

"Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A world of optimism and hope. A 'you can do it' when things are tough." Richard M. DeVos

Peace, Love & Fitness.

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