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12 Days Of Fitmas - Day 1

Welcome to my surprise FREE daily fitness challenge friends!! Read on for all the merry details.

Two things generally happen at this time of year.

1. Everyone gets stressed out. It seems like there are too many things to do, meals/desserts to make, and gifts to buy, but never enough time or money.

2. There are holiday parties galore - at work, at your child's school, with family, friends, etc. Inevitably there are tasty treats at these parties that we mindlessly snack on.

As a result of these two things, a large majority of people tend to pack on a few extra pounds. We tell ourselves that when the holidays are over we will make a pledge to get fit in the new year. Few people actually follow through with that, and fewer still stick with it and are successful.

I know you are too busy and too tired to think about starting a new fitness routine. I know you want those yummy Christmas cookies and treats that are circulating. I get it.

In an effort to help you de-stress, I offer you this - my 12 Days Of Fitmas challenge. Every day I will share one yoga pose. Hold the pose as long as you feel comfortable. Let yourself sink into it. Breathe slowly and deeply. Allow your body to feel the stretch.

After that, I ask you to take 10 minutes to sit and relax. Play Christmas music softly or sit in silence. Remove all distractions. Close your eyes and breathe. Feel the tension melting away.

I am also going to include a healthy holiday dish every day. Maybe a few will spark your interest and will find their way onto your holiday menu.

Here are today's treats!

Warrior 1

Place one foot forward and bend your knee at a 90 degree angle if possible. Make sure your knee does not go past your toes. Stretch the opposite leg back. Try to turn your back foot parallel to your front foot and push your back heel down. Reach your arms straight up overhead. You may clasp your hands together or simply hold both arms up straight. Keep your core tight and engaged at all times. Hips face forward. Sink into this position as much as possible and hold. Repeat on opposite the side.

Christmas Tree Fruit Appetizer

I made this two years ago at Christmas. You can do it with any fruit you want. I used honeydew, red grapes and pineapple. It's super simple and very yummy!

I leave you with this quote.

"We will be more successful in all our endeavors if we can let go of the habit of running all the time, and take little pauses to relax and re-center ourselves. And we'll also have a lot more joy in living." Thich Nhat Hanh

I hope you enjoyed day 1. Make sure to share with all of your friends. I'd love to hear your feedback! Stay tuned for day 2 tomorrow.

Peace, love & fitness.

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