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Momentum Vs. Muscle Control - The Milk Test

Let's talk about momentum vs. muscle control. This is something that I think is REALLY important when working out and most people don't even realize it.

When you are doing any type of physical movement, is it momentum that carries you through or are you actually using your muscles? Not sure? Check out my experiment using a gallon of milk.

Milk Experiment

Step 1: Place a gallon of milk on the top shelf of your fridge

Step 2: Reach up and take the milk down

Pretty simple, right? Now, here is where you can figure out if you are using momentum or muscle control.

When you took the milk off of the top shelf, did your arm fall down from the weight of the milk? Most people will say yes. That means you are using momentum. You are doing nothing to control the speed of your arm falling back down after grabbing the milk. The weight of the milk caused your arm to drop.

To practice using muscle control, take the milk off the top shelf and very slowly and deliberately lower it down. Do you feel the difference this time? Your muscles are engaging and actively working against the weight of the milk. They are working to stabilize your arm as you purposely lower the milk. It is not just dropping down.

Does that make sense? Practice it a few times so you can really understand the difference between momentum and muscle control.

Now apply this same principle to any weight-based exercise. From push-ups to bicep curls and every exercise in between, it is crucial that you focus on the muscles being used and actually engage them. That is how you will get results. Using momentum will do nothing for you.

Now go lift some milk!

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