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Dealing With Life

Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

That's what my awesome new headband says so I have to do it, right? I'm using it as motivation to get my life back on track.

These past 6 months have been incredibly stressful My precious little man has had 3 eye operations in less than six months. He was only 2 when this all started. No one wants to see their kids go through something like this, especially when they are so young.

I was (and still kind of am) terrified that my baby boy was going to lose his eyesight in both eyes. As of now he has one "good" eye which he can see out of. I have the same issue, as does my dad. Watching generation after generation deal with this is heartbreaking to my family. I wish I could take the pain away from everyone.

I have a wonderful, full life. I am thankful for everything I went through as a kid because it made me who I am. I know my boy will feel the same way when he is older, but it's hard being the parent in this situation.

Throughout all this I have three other amazing kids to take care of. I want to make sure I am giving them each the best I can. Any parent knows how hard it is to be a parent, simply because you want the world for your kids and you will do anything to make them feel loved and happy.

Bills began piling up, and life just started to get to me. It felt like the pressure and stress of everything was beginning to suffocate me.

I started to hide from the world. I stopped using social media as much. I spent my spare time playing mindless games on my tablet so I wouldn't have to deal with the realities crushing down around me. I tried to put on a brave face so no one would know how tough things were.

When you are at a low point, it can be really overwhelming. The things you need to do to pull yourself back up usually add more stress, and a lot of times we run away and hide, which just makes things worse.

Finally I broke. I'd had enough. This isn't the mom I want to be for my kids. This isn't the wife I want to be for my husband. And this is NOT the person I want to be.

Time to step up and fix the things I can control. There are so many things I want to do for my family, and they sure as heck won't get done with me sitting on my butt playing mindless games.

I started taking baby steps to try and get back to me.

I completed 22 Minute Hard Corps, which I am really, really proud of.

My husband and I are working on our finances and dealing with all the medical bills.

I am de-cluttering my house (which really does ease stress!!) to create a relaxing, peaceful environment for my family.

I have some new business endeavors I am super excited about.

I am pumped to help people with their health & fitness.

I feel like I have taken some time for me to deal with everything that has been going on, and now I'm ready to get back out there and make this world a healthier, happier place.

We all go through tough times. I know there are people dealing with much worse things than I am

right now. I pray that everyone finds some peace and comfort.

It's okay to take a step back sometimes. We don't need to be perfect. Nobody will fault you for dealing with your feelings.

Take your time, process what you are going through, and when you are ready do something that your future self will thank you for.

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