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Love Yourself!

Let's get real here for a few minutes. We ALL want to look & feel better. I don't care if you are a supermodel, professional athlete, stay at home mom or anything in between. We are constantly comparing ourselves to everyone else.

"My thighs are huge."

"I look pregnant...and I'm not."

"I'm too short."

"I'm too tall."

"My nose is crooked."

"My biceps aren't big enough."

Seriously, I could go on forever listing complaints people make about themselves. I think it's really sad that we are constantly judging our self-worth by our looks.


Let's stop practicing self-hate and START practicing SELF-LOVE!!

You are a strong, beautiful, amazingly unique person. You were put on this planet to be special and stand out. You are not meant to look like everyone else. You shouldn't try to conform to society's standards of beauty. It's time to embrace all that you are and begin to love yourself.

I want you to list five things you love about yourself. I'll even share a few of my things with you.

1. I love my arms. They carry my babies when they are tired, sad, or just need a cuddle.

2. I love my mind. I LOVE that I have chosen to not only think outside the box, but pursue a lifestyle completely different from the 'norm.'

3. I love my heart. I know deep down that my purpose in this life is to help others and make a positive difference in the world.

4. I love my defective eyes. Through all the surgeries and a lifetime of feeling "different" I have learned to have compassion for others and always try to have empathy for people.

5. I love my fairly new self-confidence. I love that I am willing to be vulnerable and speak my truth in hopes of inspiring others.

Your turn. I'd love to hear some of the things you love about yourself!

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