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Monday Motivation ~ August 1, 2016

Every day I used to share a motivational quote and write a little blurb that I hoped was inspirational. I have gotten away from doing that, but I'd love to start doing a Monday Motivation post every week. Today I bring you the first installment.

"I think people should have fun. And don't get so down on yourself. Enjoy life and be the best person you can be." ~ Keke Palmer

Honestly this is how I try to live my life. I found this quote and it fit perfectly for me.

Life is meant to be enjoyed. We are all on this beautiful planet for a very short time. Enjoy it. Explore it. Take care of it.

At the end of your days you will remember your experiences and feelings, not all the things you had. Take the time to really savor each moment. Don't beat yourself up because you didn't get a promotion, or your friend has a bigger house, or you aren't a musical genius. Stop being negative and start focusing on all the positive. Life is beautiful. Make sure you treasure it!

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