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Spread Love - 100 Days Of Positivity

Hello friends! I hope you are doing well today. I have been thinking a lot lately about the state of the world. There is a lot of hate out there and it really hurts my heart. Instead of focusing on all the negativity, I choose to focus on all the good that is out there. I have decided to start my own personal challenge to spread some love around.

100 Days

For the next 100 days, I will be sending a message to someone via FB, IG, text, email, snail mail, or in person. I plan to send positive, uplifting messages to people out of the blue to surprise them and hopefully brighten their day.

Why am I doing this?

Most of us move through our day without really seeing the people around us. We are so focused on the eighty million things we have to do we don't take time to stop and enjoy life. The news is constantly showing us the worst of humanity and rarely showcases all the good in the world. We have become far too attached to our phones, tablets, etc. and real communication is being lost. I don't want that to happen.

What do I hope to get out of this?

A smile. A sweet moment of pride and happiness for the person on the receiving end. And maybe, JUST maybe a few people will decide to join me and we can begin a movement to help make the world a happier place.

How can I join?

If you want to spread love, do it! Use the hashtag #spreadlove100 to inspire others to do the same. Let's see if we can get a ripple effect going.

I choose to stand in love & positivity. Will you join me

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