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Five Years As A Beachbody Coach!

Yesterday was my five year anniversary as a Beachbody coach. I knew it was coming up but I didn't remember the exact date. My sweet friend Cristi sent me a message wishing me a happy anniversary yesterday as I was in the car headed out of state. I was gone all day so I didn't get a chance to hop online, but I wanted to take some time and write some of my thoughts regarding the past five years.

When I made the decision to become a Beachbody coach, I had NO IDEA what it really meant. I knew nothing about the company or its products, other than the one Insanity infomercial I had randomly watched. I wasn't a personal trainer or a nutritionist. I was simply a mom who was looking to make some changes and get into shape after recently having baby #2.

When I joined the company as a coach, I had two reasons for doing so.

1. I had started to work out at home and I was looking for ways to help me stay motivated and accountable. I figured if I became a coach I would have to continue living a healthy lifestyle AND I could help my family and friends do the same. I don't promote things that I don't believe in and live daily.

2. I was on maternity leave and due to return to work shortly. I desperately wanted to stay home with my boys so I was hoping to find a way to earn money from home.

The coach opportunity seemed like the answer to my prayers. It fit both needs perfectly, so on Easter night in 2011 I signed up. I had no idea how it would change my life.

When I first became a coach I made ALL OF THE MISTAKES you can possibly make. I am not a salesperson and I didn't understand that all I had to do was use the products, share my story and lead by example. It really is that simple.

When I first started on this great adventure, I really couldn't have predicted how it would change my life. I was hoping to make boatloads of money and ease things financially for my family. I never even thought about any other benefits this opportunity might present to me.

My at-home workouts had previously consisted of taking walks, doing some light weight-lifting moves and using the Wii Fit. I had never done an at-home DVD program.

As I started to use the products, I was amazed at how effective they were! I began to shed body fat and build muscle, which is something I have never done before. I was never an athlete, or very active for that matter so this was my first foray into serious fitness.

I started to really enjoy and embrace what I was doing. I loved how I felt, and I wanted to share it with everyone I knew. After all, when you find something amazing that makes you feel incredible don't you want to share it with the people you care about?

Over the past five years I have done live workouts with top trainers live Tony Horton and Shaun T. I have done super workouts with ALL of the Beachbody trainers, including Chalene Johnson, Autumn Calabrese, Leandro Carvalho, Jericho McMathews and Joel Freeman. I've personally met Shaun T., Tony (multiple times), Leandro, Jericho and Joel. Let me tell you - these people truly care about each and every person out there. Their mission in life is to inspire people and give them tools to live a healthy life. They take the time to talk with you and really listen. It truly is amazing.

I have done things I never even imagined, like becoming a certified PiYo instructor and doing a few 5K color runs (I despise running by the way).

I flew across the country for the first time (alone) and attended the Coach Summit in Las Vegas where I got to meet some of my teammates from across the country. There were trainings, workouts, parties and all kinds of amazing events I got to participate in. This summer I am thrilled to be heading to Nashville for the 2016 Coach Summit.

I have re-connected with old friends (some who I hadn't seen since 8th grade graduation 23 years ago). I have been able to help people I care about with their health & fitness. I have been able to help some of my friends start their own journey as Beachbody coaches. I have even been lucky enough to connect with strangers and help them on their journey.

I have made so many new friends through Beachbody, and re-connected with so many old friends and family I haven't seen in years.

Beachbody hasn't just been about fitness for me. It has literally changed every aspect of my life.

As I ventured into this new opportunity my world started to change. I've always considered myself an out-of-the-box person, but now I am living in a completely different diamond somewhere. :-)

I began to realize that there are so many amazing possibilities out there, and it is fun to explore them all.

I have gone from a corporate IT job to a work at home momma.

I homeschool my four (yes, four!) kids which is something I never even knew about until recently.

I have gotten into babywearing, which is something else I never knew about.

I am learning to can, and working on creating healthier meals for my family.

My husband and I are planning on purchasing a huge plot of land to live on and run a camp on.

I am learning about things like essential oils, homemade cleaning supplies and homemade bath & products.

I have practiced oil pulling.

I read or listen to personal development frequently.

I recently started getting into archery (which is so much fun!)

I am confident. It has taken years of hard work to get past my insecurities. I love myself. I love how it feels to be healthy & fit. I love exploring new areas and learning new things. I love passing on positive, healthy habits to my kids. I love sharing everything I am learning with my friends.

I am still the same person I was when I started this amazing journey but my world has exploded into a beautiful kaleidoscope of possibilities. For that I am incredibly thankful. I can't wait to see what the next five years has in store for me.

Thank you for changing my life Team Beachbody. <3

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