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10 Fun Facts About Me

Let's get to know each other a little better. Here are ten facts you may or may not know about me.

1. I had four babies in the span of 6 years and 22 days.

2. All four babies were born via c-section.

3. I once slept outside Fenway Park for playoff tickets.

4. I have been to 13 (I think - I'm starting to lose count!) Jimmy Buffet concerts

5. I pierced my belly button. Twice. No, it is no longer pierced.

6. I can only see out of my right eye.

7. I am an incredibly picky eater ~ I'm slowly trying new things!

8. I love to dance.

9. I enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, walking on the beach, and canoeing.

10. I accidentally gave someone a black eye the one and only time I went white water rafting.

Your turn! Leave a fun fact in the comments below!

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