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Please Don't "Diet"!

If there is one thing that makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs, it is when I hear people talking about "going on a diet." NO!! Just STOP IT!

Diets are complete nonsense. When you talk about going on a diet, you are basically cutting out certain things temporarily to lose weight. This will not produce lasting results. In fact, it will most likely lead to yo-yo dieting, which is incredibly unhealthy.

If you want real, lasting results you MUST make a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. You need to eat healthier, and make sure you are eating the proper amount of macronutrients. You don't need to make a huge change altogether. Start slow. You can do things like cut out soda (don't EVEN get me started on how bad soda is for you!!). Make sure you eat a healthy breakfast every day. Trade your nighttime snack for some fruit. Do little things, and as they become habit make more healthy changes.

This doesn't mean you can never have your favorite treat again. It just means that now you are doing things in moderation instead of going overboard. In fact, I highly recommend allowing yourself a treat meal occasionally. Enjoying a treat now and then will help you refrain from bingeing and stuffing every piece of junk into your mouth.

If you want to lose weight, feel better, and get lasting results, please don't diet.

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